I remember the first time I heard the word "blog". It was in 2006, and a friend was preparing to go overseas for a time but told me I could keep up with her on her family's blog. I thought I had heard her wrong, or that perhaps she had made one of those non-verbal exclamations like, "blah" or "bluh". Maybe she had a hair in her mouth? Well, you know how you do, someone mentions a word in conversation like you're all too familiar with it and use it everyday at least twice a day, and you nod and give the obligatory "uh-huh" like you are following every step of the way. And that's what I did. It wasn't until some months later that I was informed, by my husband, sweet thing that he is, that "blog" was not a made up word or slang for "booger". Who knew?
So, now, years later and more knowledgeable than before, I have made the giant leap for 'my kind', as in the 'technically-challenged-not-your-mass-communications-kinda-gal-even-to-the-point-of-hating-a-phone kind', and I've joined the ranks of others who've gone before me, into the world of the would-be online diary. Whoo-hoo!! But, alas, it had to be done. {Okay, let me just say, there should be an award for using that many hyphens in a paragraph AND the word "alas", am I right?} Anyway, as I was saying, I had no choice. My hand was forced due to our family's move in August to a little town in Texas, now many, many miles from our hometown back in Mississippi, far removed from all our family and friends. {Sigh.} So, in a last ditch effort to stay in touch with the fam, give the grandmommas a picture or two of the grandboys to tie them over until the next road trip, and lastly but also mostly in an attempt to stave off questions like "How's the weather in ya'll's parts?" with friends you once shot the breeze with, here---drum roll, please---is my blog. Ta-da!! Thank you. Thank you very much! Stay tuned for pics from our new place here in Big Sky country! And, please, leave a comment so I know that I actually managed to do this whole "publish post" blogger thing right! Too-ta-loo!